Cyber-crime and social engineering

For as long as there have been cybercriminals, there have been social engineers, or people who use tricks and scams to force other people to volunteer sensitive information. There are several ways to use social engineering to acquire valuable information like account passwords and bank accounts, but avoiding these scams comes down to one thing: […]

9 cybersecurity terms everyone must know

Everyone, from doctors to lawyers, needs to continue learning to stay ahead of the times. Business owners might have it worst of all, oftentimes needing to stay on top of several industries to keep their company running. Keep reading for a refresher on all the latest trends and buzzwords used in the cybersecurity sector. Malware […]

New security patches for VMware machines

While virtualization still has a host of security advantages over its localized counterparts, it isn’t exempt from the attention of cyber attackers. Most recently, one of the industry’s leading software vendors, VMware, was forced to release a patch for a critical vulnerability that allowed underprivileged users to attain access to administrative rights. Let’s delve deeper […]

New heights in data compliance penalties

The tech industry is littered with buzzwords: overused jargon generally meant to inspire feelings of hope and accomplishment. Not all have positive connotations however, and data compliance is one of those spooky buzzwords that many small- and medium-sized businesses have scant specific knowledge about. What better way to gain a clearer understanding of the consequences […]

WordPress 4.5.3 patches security vulnerabilities

WordPress is an amazing open source platform that is favored by individuals and business users worldwide due to its ease of use, simplicity and flexibility. However, given that it is the most widely used content management system, it is also the most vulnerable platform out there. Recently WordPress has released an update that addresses security […]

Microsoft Office 365 ravaged by ransomware

The Internet is a powerful platform that brings people together on a global level while giving them access to a wealth of information anytime they please. With the good, comes the bad – some utilize their skills in committing cyber crimes from the comfort of their own homes. Case in point, the recent Cerber ransomware […]

Game Over: NBA team losses valuable data

Good cyber security, much like the best NBA defenses, must be strong and able to stop threats from every which way. For the Milwaukee Bucks, their on-court and cyber security defense could both use a little practice. Yahoo! Sports reported that the Milwaukee Bucks sent out the names, addresses, Social Security numbers, compensation information and […]

Learn from this NFL team’s EMR fumble

ESPN recently reported that a laptop containing the medical records of thousands of NFL players was stolen from the car of a Washington Redskins’ trainer. And while the team released a statement saying no health information protected under HIPAA guidelines was at risk, the incident shows that EMRs are vulnerable no matter the size of […]

Ransomware to begin self-propagation

One of the biggest fears security experts have may be coming true: self-replicating ransomware. Viruses that have the ability to copy and spread themselves to new systems are nothing new, but until now ransomware attacks have been targeted campaigns. The best way to protect your network from a security threat is to understand it, here’s […]