
How HaaS will benefit your business

Hardware maintenance and upgrades can consume a big sum of your business’ time and money. But with Hardware-as-a-Service (HaaS), a solution in which you pay a Managed Services Provider a subscription fee and let them take care of all your hardware-related issues, including upgrades, maintenance, and management, you can be sure of your hardware functionality […]

Firefox’s 8 hidden function upgrades

Warriors preparing for battle need to ensure they are armed with the best weapons and the strongest armor. The same can be said for businesses today. This means that web browsers that can house multiple windows just don’t cut it anymore; the ideal candidate makes the most out of your precious time instead of wasting […]

5 ways to make tech trends work for you

What tech fads has your SMB recently written off as silly and not worth your time? 3D printing, internet of things…Pokémon GO? Juvenile as they may seem at first, these trends helped to make a lot of businesses a lot of money. Navigating the quickly rising and falling auspices of the tech world may seem […]

New Outlook add-on comes to the rescue

A good business owner needs to occasionally put themselves into their employee’s shoes to get a better picture. Imagine you are a sales representative, most of your working time is split between email inbox and CRM software. All that jumping around between the two is going to become very problematic. But as of last month, […]

7 tips every Windows 10 user should know

The difference between regular users and power users is their proficiency in navigating the OS and utilizing its tips and tricks for an efficient computing experience. It may take anywhere from a few sessions to a few months to really get into the swing of it. Achieve power user status in a jiffy with the […]

3 fascinating advances in health-tech

Corporate giants like Microsoft, Google and Apple are essentially cultural icons because their software and hardware innovations have been, dare we say, revolutionary. Similarly, in the not-too-distant future, we’ll be looking back and marvelling about how healthcare once existed without some of the radical-sounding technologies that are tantalizingly close to becoming reality. Technology companies are […]

5 security measures made easy

Let’s face it, keeping yourself free from online threats can be a pain: using different passwords for every site, changing them every three months, using advanced encryption, the list goes on and on. You either end up paranoid of being online or give up altogether. We’ve organized 5 simple cybersecurity measures that we promise anyone […]