Scenarios that might require BCP action

Do you know when to invoke your Business Continuity Plan? A lot of business owners assume they know when it will be required, but the reality is that it can be hard to determine when a BCP is really necessary. It’s important you are able to assess what is taking place, and make an informed […]

Cortana tips and tricks for an easier life

Over the years, the virtual assistant has evolved. First there was the Microsoft Paperclip (aka Clippy), later we had Siri, and now we have Cortana, the new assistant for Microsoft Windows 10. If you’re a Windows 10 user who loves the operating system just as much as we do, you may be curious as to […]

Virtualization questions to consider

We’ve seen first hand just how beneficial office virtualization can be for small and medium-sized businesses. Of course the process isn’t as simple as snapping your fingers, or saying presto, and having a smooth running, virtualized office appear. It is a long process and you will have to answer a lot of questions. Here are […]

4 facts about HIPAA and your IT

While HIPPA’s implementation in relation to technology has been problematic to say the least, things have become much clearer over the course of the past year. However, there are still a few areas in which your office might not be compliant. This isn’t necessarily through negligence on your part, but rather simply a lack of […]

Tips to add value to your blog

When listing your company’s assets, your blog probably doesn’t make the cut. Many businesses tend to ignore blogging – which is a real mistake these days. By putting time and resources into your blog, your can transform it from just another webpage to one of the most valuable things to your company’s growth. We’ve complied […]

Telemedicine 101

Traditionally, healthcare delivery has been based on a face-to-face meeting between patients and physicians in a hospital or clinic. But the latest advancements in medical technology has altered how and where healthcare is delivered. Nowadays, patients expect to interact with physicians and receive medical recommendations and treatments via the phone and online channels – this […]

How to diffuse negative online commentary

Between the smartphones, iPads and desktops we all use, more and more people are spending hours of their day on the Internet. And at one point or another, someone is likely to say something bad about your business online. Whether it is true or not, you need to know how to respond when it happens […]

Tips for smart BI planning

Implementing Business Intelligence (BI) software and other tools can help your company grown by leaps and bounds. However, it has to be planned for with the proper level of diligence and care to truly be beneficial to your business. Haphazardly installing BI software can result in an expensive misstep that sees you fall behind the […]

4 benefits of online scheduling

As healthcare practices across the nation continue to find out, patients place ever-diminishing levels of importance on care alone. While it is and will forever be a factor that influences a person’s decision, convenience has become another key area patients look at when choosing a healthcare facility. Online scheduling, in particular, has become something more […]

5 tips for buying a new computer

The holiday season is approaching fast, and many people are currently looking to purchase presents for their loved ones. Tech items like computers are likely to be among the most popular gifts. But there are so many different computers out there, meaning that finding the perfect one can be difficult. We’ve outlined some tips that […]